CPanel Email Filters

As part of managing my own web presence, including a hosted email server with limited users (both in numbers and geography), I tend to try and cut large swathes of spam by simply “binning” any emails that have any association with specific TLDs, like .ru or .us or .cn– whereby I know that my users and I have no legitimate reason to receive any email coming from those TLDs or passing through servers using any such TLDs.

However, it came to pass that some ham were getting caught, but simply looking at the email headers was not helping. Using CPanel’s in-built testing tool was helpful in surfacing which of my rules was triggering the spam trap, but not exactly why (or what part of the email was triggering it).

The triggering rule looked like regex, so I immediately tried to hunt down converted/parsed file to try and copy the rule in converted regular expression form.

Attempting to poke at the ~/.cpanel/filter.yaml and ~/.cpanel/filter.cache and even the /etc/vfilters/<domain> did not turn up the regular expressions I was looking for.

In desperation, I took a quick look at the CPanel test tool results and decided to just copy the regex shown outright…

Unfortunately, pasting that regex directly into a regex test tool did not work…

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GNU getopt Needs A Helper

So, recently at work, I found myself knee deep in… scripts…

Most of my scripts had ugly positional parameters/arguments (you know, $1 was the value for this, $2 was the input for that)… So, I dug up getopt… But then I quickly spiralled down the time-sucking rabbit hole of trying to automate some other bits, like being able to print the “usage” by “simply” plucking out all the options given to getopt in the first place…

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sed Shennanigans…


For anyone familiar with regular expressions, the need to escape characters, that might otherwise be construed as some “special command”, is a regular affair…

sed posed a particular challenge for me when attempting to escape variables that are used as a replacement string. So, to cut the long story short, after 8 hours of trying, testing and re-testing, I finally got the solution…

In a bash shell, try the following:

TESTSTRING='\/12345678\90!@#$%^&*()-_=+{}[];:",.<>? `~abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
sed "s#\([^[:alnum:]]\)#\\\\\1#g"<<<$TEST

Otherwise, in a script, try the following:

TESTSTRING='\/12345678\90!@#$%^&*()-_=+{}[];:",.<>? `~abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
TESTSTRING=`echo $TESTSTRING|sed 's#\([^[:alnum:]]\)#\\\\\1#g'

WARNING: This does not work with intended backreferences (e.g. \1, \2, … \9, etc.) as the leading backslash will also be escaped (see the \9 in the tests above).

NOTE: The single-quote character was not part of the tests as I could not find a way to escape that as part of the variable assignment.