Ubuntu 22.04.1 Upgrading Pains…

So, I had left my little Ubuntu server alone and neglected, giving it the occasional glance, the occasional log in and do an apt-get update && apt-get autoremove

Well, with my recent shenanigans surrounding a power cut (self-caused, mind you), I was also prompted to upgrade to Ubuntu LTS 22.04.1…

.1“… Well! That should be more stable (than the .0 released back in April)! O00-kay! Time to give it a whack!

Turns out, things went south pretty fast and I needed half an evening to right everything…


Specifically, the lack of it… Despite having a 64GB vHDD (w/40GB partition for main), on a system installed with (relatively) little, it threw warnings mid-way through the install, and at one point, it finally threw some apt-get errors…

So, firstly, I had to clear some files… Finally dawned on me that I hadn’t cleared the journal since the dawn of existence (or at least the build’s existence)… journalctl --vacuum-time=5d cleared a good 3.9GB (slightly below 10%)! Snap clearing also bought me another ~1GB of partition space…

I didn’t think it was enough, so I decided to expand the 64GB vHDD to 88GB using the “Edit Virtual Hard Disk Wizard”… So, since the partition layout was:

  • /dev/sda1boot, EFI
  • /dev/sda2 – Ubuntu OS
  • /dev/sda3swap
  • /dev/sda4zlog

I booted with the latest gparted ISO, moved the zlog partition to the end of the (now expanded) disk, deleted swap, then extended the main partition, then re-created a new swap partition (which would have been faster than moving the swap partition also)…

Spotted my mistake yet?

Like Daniel, I had forgotten to “wax on”, “wax off” – or more specifically (and technically correct), “swapoff” (with the need to eventually “swapon” later)…

The system threw errors on reboot but came up anyway… A quick fix soon had things back in order:

  • swapoff -a (threw errors anyway)
  • mkswap /dev/sda3 (of course, ensure that “/dev/sda3” is replaced with the proper device path with an existing swap partition)
  • partprobe (you know, to “stuff something long and thin” i.e. probe the OS to force-reload the partitions it knows about)
  • blkid | grep "swap" to grab the swap partition’s UUID
  • edit /etc/fstab to ensure the swap partition’s UUID (if used) is replaced with this current swap partition’s UUID
  • swapon -a (and pray…)

So, the upgrade went on…

apt-get, grub and the BOOT/EFI


Whilst the upgrade appeared to have gone smoothly (barring some silly sr0 errors which just delays boot but doesn’t really seem to hurt anything), apt-get was repeatedly aborting, reporting:

dpkg: error processing package grub-efi-amd64-signed (--configure):
  installed grub-efi-amd64-signed package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 32
dpkg: dependency problems prevent processing triggers for shim-signed:
  shim-signed depends on grub-efi-amd64-signed | grub-efi-arm64-signed; however:
    Package grub-efi-amd64-signed is not configured yet.
    Package grub-efi-arm64-signed is not installed.

dpkg: error processing package shim-signed (--configure):
  dependency problems - leaving triggers unprocessed
Errors were encountered while processing:

I found a similar situation that triggered the thought that I had, likewise, did a P2V migration of my Ubuntu

So, whereas the UUIDs were intact on /etc/fstab, the actual /dev/sda1 partition was flagged as a simple “FAT32” type partition…

Using fdisk and parted fixed that right up…

  • fdisk /dev/sda (replace /dev/sda with the correct device path)
    • t (changing partition type)
    • 1 (i.e. selecting /dev/sda1)
    • EF (using the “EFI” alias)
    • w (commit changes and quit)
  • parted /dev/sda (replace /dev/sda with the correct device path)
    • set 1 boot on (set the boot flag on partition #1 of /dev/sda)
    • set 1 esp on (set the esp flag on on partition #1 of /dev/sda)

Double-checking /etc/fstab and the UUID against the “/boot/efi” entry showed things were working. So, as per the answer providing the hints, I did a:

  • apt-get --fix-broken install and that fixed grub-efi-arm64-signed, and
  • a subsequent apt-get upgrade grub-efi-arm64-signed && apt-get upgrade shim-signed sorted everything else out…

SSH and Keys

OK… So not everything… While upgrading, I was warned of an /etc/ssh/sshd_config (upgraded) vendor version conflict, so I noted down what was different and decided to use the “new” version.

Chief amongst that was, like forcing public-private key authentication first before password entry on pfSense, the same for sshd (to prevent password brute-force attacks as part of 2FA). Namely, that was editing the configuration file and:

  1. adding the line “AuthenticationMethods publickey,passwordand
  2. enabling (i.e. removing the “#” comment prefix) “PubkeyAuthentication yes” and “AuthorizedKeysFile .ssh/authorized_keys .ssh/authorized_keys2
  3. restarting the service, with either “service sshd restart” or “systemctl restart sshd

But that didn’t work… Attempting to SSH into the box still reported a “Server refused our key” error… Finding a similar error, and specifically checking the /var/log/auth.log finally pointed to the fix: the answer was to add PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes=+ssh-rsa to /etc/ssh/sshd_config, with the view to (eventually) upgrade our keys


Let’s see if I hit anything in the future…

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